Multilevel Referral Affiliate Plugin for WooCommerce


Level Based Credit System.Previously, the credit percentile was fixed and was applicate globally. With this new version, we are now introducing and adding a completely new credit system as. Henceforth, the store owners will be able to assign variable percentile for each level of referrers individually, as well.
Store owners can manage level based credit percentage globally (Applicable for all products), Category Wise and even product specific.
This version does not replace the old credit system and that too will be in working status. Apparently, now, we have 2 systems to choose from, Depending upon a subsequent criteria, store owners will now have the choice to choose either from – Level based Credit System(LCS) or Recursive Credit System (RCS – old one).
Manage number of levels.
Store owners now can define the number of referrer levels which the referrers would receive the credit points for.
From the admin panel, store owners can now manage levels and their credit percentage.

Restrict Number of Levels
In the old “Recursive Credit Method”, admin can restrict distributing credit points up to certain number of levels. We have provided settings in admin panel, from where they can set number levels which are entitled to receive credit points. If 4 is selected in setting then, 4 immediate referrers of the customers are entitled to receive credit points.
Share on Social Media
We are happy to be introducing a social media sharing option as well for the referrers.
Referrers can share predefined banners on social media for increasing their network.
Store owners are having option to upload custom banners of size 1200px X 630px. The Referrals code and link will be added dynamically on these banner.
Visitors who follow or click a socially shared link, will join under the referrer’s account. The previous version only had an option to invite people to join referral program, only via email. But now, social media sharing is available, apparently opening one’s business up to a wider audience.